Alô! Campanha First Stop?

Sem concurso, sem orçamento milionário e sem muitas alterações. Com a criatividade da Sardinha. Até final de Dezembro, cartazes, flyers e anúncios de imprensa ao bom estilo hard-selling-cleaning* vão chamar mais clientes para as 55 lojas First Stop. Até já! Perdão, É para si!

* termo criado para este post.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

That´s really good. Congratulations. Normally is like this:

- As usual, I worked until midnight last night, mom.

- Well, at least you made some extra money.

- I don´t get paid for overtime.

- Well, at least it was important work.

- Not really.

- My boss made me change may "poer point" slides, but the changes make them worse.

- Well at least you´re prepared for your meeting.

- It was canceled.

- But that´s okay, because the project isn´t funded anyway.

- So... you worked for free to worsen a presentation for a meeting that won´t happen, for a project that doesn´t exist.

- Yup.

- Oh... you must be in advertiising.